Dear Students,
During his last speech, the President of the Republic announced the establishment of a second confinement from October 30th - December 1st, 2020 in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19. At Rennes 2 and all French universities, the first consequence of this situation is the switch to distance learning. At the same time, the government has decided to develop the Vigipirate system (maximum "Emergency Attack" level), which amplifies the security measures on our campuses.
In this context, it is important to reiterate the objectives pursued by the management team, in compliance with government and ministerial directives. The first is to guarantee the safety of all staff and students against the active circulation of COVID-19, which is the direct responsibility of the management team of the institution. Secondly, and because the government has reminded us that universities are not closed, it is essential that we are able to carry out our public service mission. This presupposes that we organize continuity in our teaching, scientific, administrative and technical activities accordingly. This is a fundamental difference from the confinement last spring, in which members of the general population were obliged to stay home. The last objective, just as important as the two previous ones, is to accompany our most fragile publics as effectively as possible, faced with the negative consequences of remote educational activities. We are going to establish several measures that should help to prevent the most vulnerable students from dropping out (continued access to IT facilities and study rooms). We will invite students who have difficulty accessing digital resources to notify us via an online form.
Please find below the new operating procedures as of Monday, November 2, 2020. These measures apply to all campuses (Mazier, La Harpe and Villejean):
- Teaching activities: distance-learning is now the rule. All lectures and seminar classes will need to be conducted online. Video recordings planned in amphitheaters are to be maintained according to the same rules (without students). Only certain practical work requiring specialized equipment can be done in-person. We are awaiting the ministerial announcement which will define how this will be implemented within our institutions, subject to the approval of the Rector of the Academy. As such, these classes will not be able to commence before November 9. Further details will be given very soon.
- Scientific / Research activities: research activities may continue. University research centres remain open and accessible, in particular to doctoral students.
- University library: a procedure for students to access documents for loan will be specified by the Documentation Office at the beginning of next week.
- Administrative and technical activities: in line with our public service mission, administrative and technical activities will be ensured. Our staff will continue to reply to student questions by telephone or email. In-person meetings with students will be organized by appointment, in accordance with new guidelines to be announced.
- Dining: the self-service area of the Metronome will be open for take-out. Standard pricing will continue to be applied to the usual formulas.
- Health and Social: Student health services, like social services, will remain fully accessible. Measures will also be put in place by student organizations and will be communicated soon.
- Official travel waivers (attestations): It is important to download the travel waiver from the government website and to bring a document proving your student status (student card or tuition certificate) with you each time you go to university or return home.
- Follow-up of reported cases of Covid: in case of a positive test of Covid-19, please continue to notify us via the following form.
On-line resources : finally, we would like to remind you that a certain number of resources are at your disposal below.
A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) regularly updated on the university's intranet site
An email address for all your questions: etudiant-covid19 [at] univ-rennes2.fr (etudiant-covid19[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr).
The government website: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus
Oct. 29, 2020
Dear Students,
Following last night's announcements by the President of the Republic, the Rennes 2 management team is currently in the process of establishing the conditions for the resumption of university activities on Monday, November 2.
We are awaiting additional information from the Minister, which should be communicated to us by the end of the afternoon.
As of now, no face-to-face classes will be held until December 1st, and all teaching activities will now take place through distance learning.
Olivier DAVID
President of Rennes 2 University